Wood Frogs Population in a Changing Environment


  • Nofe Al-Asuoad*
  • Roumen Anguelov
  • Keith Berven
  • Meir Shillor




We present new results for a mathematical model for the dynamics of a population of Wood Frogs, which continue the investigation begun in [1]. TheВ  model is in the form of a system of nonlinear impulsive differentialВ equations forВ В each developmental stage (larvae, juvenile, and mature).В  ItВ  alsoВ В takes into account the differences in the growthВ  of the early, middle, and lateВ В juvenile stages.В We describe numerical simulations for the study of the environmentalВ В impact on the population, in particular we investigate three issues: the existence of periodic solutionsВ for the model; the recovery of the population from 1-3 dry years in which no larvaeВ В hatch; and the dependence of the model on the system parameters.В It is seen that the results agree qualitatively with the observed data, which allowsВ us to use the model for a tentative prediction of next years development. We alsoВ present some additional mathematical and numerical issues for future study.

[1]В N. Al-Asuoad, R. Anguelov, K. Berven, M. Shillor, Model and Simulations of a Wood Frog Population, Biomath 1 (2012), 1209032, http://dx.doi.org/10.11145/j.biomath.2012.09.032






Conference Contributions