BIOMATH 2015-S. Satellite International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences.


  • Jean Lubuma



BIOMATH, a tradition of annual scientific meetings hosted in Sofia by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences since 1995, is an international conference devoted to recent research in life sciences based on applications of mathematics as well as mathematics applied to or motivated by biological studies. It is a multidisciplinary meeting forum for researchers who develop and apply mathematical and computational tools to the study of phenomena in the broad fields of biology, ecology, medicine, biotechnology, bioengineering, environmental science, etc.

At a meeting involving the International Steering Committee and participantsin the BIOMATH 2012,it was decided to reinforce the tradition of having one annual BIOMATH conference in В  В Sofia or some other city in Bulgaria. It was further decided to organize from time to time BIOMATH satellite conferences outside Bulgaria in order to extend the BIOMATH experience to other regions in the world. В During the BIOMATH 2014, the International Steering Committee felt very strongly about the need to implement the idea of satellite conference as soon as possible.

The first BIOMATH Satellite Conference will be held from 12-17 July 2015 in South Africa at the High Performance Centre (HPC) of the University of Pretoria. The Conference will be specifically organized by the SARChI Chair in Mathematical Models and Methods in Bioengineering and Biosciences (M3B2).






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