A rewinding model for replicons with DNA-links





DNA, Replication, Link, Topological model, Replicon


A double strand DNA has a double helical structure and it is modeled by a thin long twisted ribbon fixed at the both ends. A DNA-linkВ is a topological model of such a DNA segment in the nuclear of a eukaryotic cell. In the cell cycle, the DNA is replicated and distributedВ into new cells. The complicated replication process follows the semi-conservative scheme in which each backbone string is preserved in theВ replicated DNA. This is interpreted in terms of splitting process ofВ the DNA-link. In order to split the DNA-link, unknotting operationsВ are required. This paper presents a recursive unknotting operations,В which efficiently reduce the number of twistings.

Author Biography

Abdul Adheem Mohamad, University of Nizwa

Mathematics Section, Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences


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