Modelling the impacts of lockdown and isolation on the eradication of COVID-19


  • Joel N. Ndam University of Jos



COVID-19, isolation, lockdown, disease-free equilibrium, endemic equilibrium.


A model describing the dynamics of COVID-19 is formulated and examined. The model is meant to address the impacts of lockdown and social isolation as strategies for the eradication of the pandemic. Local stability analysis indicate that the equilibria are locally-asymptotically stable for R0<1 and R_0>1 for the disease-free equilibrium and the endemic equilibrium respectively. Numerical simulations of the model equations show that lockdown is a more effective strategy in the eradication of the disease than social isolation. However, strict enforcement of both strategies is the most effective means that could end the disease within a shorter period of time.

Author Biography

Joel N. Ndam, University of Jos

I am Reader in the Department of Mathemstics of the University of Jos.


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COVID-19 Research Communications